Stan's Pick 3 DVDs for a gift of $45
Topics Include:
Jesus is NOT the primary message of Revelation,what is?
What is the Morning Star!
Enoch and Elijah are not the two witnesses, who are?
Final answer to the Rapture question
Definite proof America is in Revelation.
What is America’s future?
Seven signs to spot the Antichrist early
When does the New Jerusalem arrive?
Are there one or two judgments?
The surprising final plague on earth!
Topics include:
Are all saints “Kings and Priests” or are some “Kings” and some “Priests?”
What is the difference between Kings and Priests?
God the father sits on the throne, where does Jesus sit?
Who sits on the “other thrones” in REV 20:4?
What are the “other books” of REV 20:12?
Why isn’t the Holy Spirit mentioned once in Revelation?
What is the third “Woe?
Who why and what are the “nations”?
What about the Morning Star?
Topics Include:
• The Coronation of Jesus
• Seals, Trumpets and Vials Finally Explained
• The Barley and Wheat Harvest
• Feast Revelations in the Last 7 Months
• 6 of the Most Amazing Prophecy Charts
• The three best NT and three best OT verses on the Rapture!
• Deeper explanation of these verses:
o “The dead in Christ shall rise first”
o “Gather ye first the tares “
o "God hath not appointed us to wrath"
o “Watch ye therefore and pray always”
o "The rest of the dead”
o “I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation"