Item Number: D-DAR01
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Paul Lewis became increasingly uncomfortable with the tribulation teaching, as it never seemed to square with the overall tenor of scripture. From 1987-1990 he spent every free hour studying the scriptures, especially prophetic scriptures. The pieces began to come together, scripture to scripture, and things that seemed to make no sense became crystal clear. “The Key to understanding the prophetic scriptures was in the structure, pattern and technique in which they were written.” The Book of Revelation, as well as the prophets, are written in a form of Hebrew poetry called “thought rhyme”, or “parallelism”. You will leave with a new, clear understanding of God’s prophetic word.

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Concise, complete, and thorough 9/15/2013
I have had these DVDs for over 6 or 7 yrs and have watched them half a dozen times. I had never seen anyone collect all the end time prophecies in the Old and New Testaments and put them in one place. When viewed together, it is easy to see that many of the prophecies, eg, Day of the Lord in books of multiple minor prophets, are referring to the same event, as described in Matt 24 and in Revelation. Mr Lewis starts out by explaining Hebrew poetry, which does not rhyme but instead repeats the thought in a similar way. That repetition satisfies the admonition in Deut 19:15 that out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses let a thing be established. These repetitions are present sometimes in the same verse, in different chapters, and sometimes in different books. He expounds on the timing of major events, and conclusively demonstrated to my mind how there absolutely could not be a pretrib rapture, although this was not the purpose of the DVDs. It was the first time for me that I had ever even questioned that the pretrib rapture might not be correct. The major thrust of these DVDs outlines the timing of 4 horsemen, the Seals, the bowl and vial judgments, and the trumpet judgments. There are so many pearls in these DVDs it is well worth the price. Mr Lewis gives his opinion on who was the 7th kingdom that was for a short while in Rev 17:10. It is so logically apparent when you understand what the beast kingdoms do-they kill the people of God. The organizational presentation of the pertinent scriptures makes these DVDs hands down the best exposition and profound study.