Many years of research have resulted in the most astonishing discoveries in 2,000 years. Without the aid of
modern computers, Yacov Rambsel has found and verified thousands of insights hidden just beneath the surface
of the Hebrew Scriptures. His most significant discovery is finding the name of Jesus (Yeshua) encoded in many
familiar Old Testament passages beginning in Genesis. In Genesis 1 Yacov found: I created man, Jesus is the
sing offering, God created the heavens and the stars, naming the planets, the speak of light, scientific information,
polonium found in granite. The names of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah, and many
others all encoded. He also found all the empires that ever persecuted Israel, and all things that give Glory to God,
plus much more. In this Video, Yacov shares his very latest discoveries.