Item Number: B-SECRET
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The Secret Door to Understand Bible Prophecy offer:

1 for $20

5 for $35

10 for $55

Case of 60 for $250.


Stan memorized the book of Revelation in 2017 and received 30 revelations and two visions. God showed him the word “Firstfruits” is a secret door which links the feasts of Leviticus to the prophecies of Revelation allowing the end time events to be placed in chronological order.

One prophetic word said, “There is a lock that I have put over a word, in the Book of Revelation that I am going to open unto you. It will turn so many books written on the end time message into obsolete books."


This is the book for the first time which reveals:

  • On Firstfruits Jesus the Lamb returns to Mt. Zion with 144,000 one-year old Jews.
  • On Pentecost the wheat who are “ready” go to the Marriage Supper with the barley.
  • The Father promotes Jesus at the Marriage Supper from Lamb to Lion, from Prince to King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
  • Jesus receives many crowns, a vesture dipped in his own sacrificed blood, and a white horse.
  • The Barley and Wheat receive a wedding garment and a white horse to return on Trumpets about four months later.
  • This is the Day of the Lord. Jesus the Judge uses the Morning-Star lightning-sword to burn the tares.
  • This is the Judgment Seat of Christ. All in-Jesus report here and receive their just rewards.
  • On Atonement Jesus is the Judge at the Great White Throne for those not-in-Jesus.
  • The dead are judged based upon their works written in the books.
  • Whosoever is not found written in the Book of Life is cast into the Lake of Fire which is the second death.
  • On Tabernacles the New Jerusalem comes down from God out of heaven.


The typical book has from 40,000 to 50,000 words and uses thick yellow paper.

This book has 85,000 words in two columns on bright-white paper to make it easy to read.

The book is 6” x 9” the typical Bible size to make it easy to carry with your Bible.

The text is in two columns making it easy to read.

The backflap is two full-color prophecy charts.

This is not a read-once-put-on-the-shelf book.

The back has a flap with two full-color prophecy charts measuring 12” x 9” helping you understand prophecy
