Michael Synder worked as an attorney on the famous K Street in Washington D.C. He has been writing articles and books for over five years, and has written over 2,000 articles about the coming economic collapse and the end of the American Dream. His articles have been published and discussed on some of America’s largest radio and television programs.
This gift offer includes both of his DVDs produced by The Prophecy Club:
Economic Collapse, WWIII, and the Death of America (DVD)
The Re-Gathering of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel (DVD)
Michael Snyder says since King Solomon the Tribes have been divided but Michael will show you they will be reunited in Israel as one. Israel will be victorious in WWIII and get back all her land from the Euphrates to the Nile. This is very impressive with lots of interesting historical research you have not heard. We have received many compliments on this one.
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